Operation Discord

From The Heretical Discordant Epistles of Fiona 'RBMK Tits' Price

The Sacred Epiphany

It has been vouchsafed to me by Eris Goddess of Discord, in an ecstatic vision following the consumption of two "Sunshine" acid tabs, one "Funny Frog" pill, and a gill of vodka and cryocaine, that when the sacred threshold of the Dynamic Range Tabernacle is breached, regardless of whence that threshold may have been set, so it shall pass that compression = overshoot - overshoot over ratio.  Let him (or her) who hath understanding consecrate the attack and release controls and the filter stop-bands to bring about the holy pumping of the bassline and beats, the de-essing of the profane sibilants, and YES, even the Damascene influence of the hallowed bus compression.  This must be treated with utmost reverence, because anything else is poppycock and I am personally offended by any obdurate truth-denier who disagrees.  --Fiona 'RBMK Tits' Price

Operation Discord - Let It Go

Operation Discord - Too Many People
